Sponsorship Opportunities
Finding the right people to talk to is always one of the most difficult parts of the marketing process. If your company has offices flung far around the world you may have a unique understanding of how much of a challenge this can be. The concept that created KeyMarket Media was the need to find a way to provide a more direct access to markets within markets -- in other words, the right people in the right places. Our mission is:
- To find a way to make it easier to find just who you are looking for.
- To focus your communications on a concentrated set of individuals.
- Individuals who have the power to make decisions: People who can react to your message.
Precision Audience Targeting. High Viability Markets.
KeyMarket Media provides a more direct access to markets within markets. A combination of delivery opportunities are available:
- KeyMarket Media network affiliates. These are terrestrial FM radio broadcsters who; 1) meet KeyMarket Media qualifications and 2) are licensed to operate in geographic areas critical to the KeyMarket Media mission.
- Live Simulcast Streaming of KeyMarket Media programs as they are broadcast on KeyMarket Media co-owned FM broadcast stations.
- Podcasting makes programs available 'on-demand' to those who have subscribed to specific program series.

New Media Plus New Ideas for Old Media
The KeyMarket Media strategy means less time wasted, less money wasted and more useful contacts for your corporate communications and advertising messages.
Learn how KeyMarket Media can offer further support to your Customer Relations and Investor Relations programs.